Found Footage Comedies
An aspiring Romanian filmmaker, deeply obsessed with Hollywood actress Anne Hathaway, goes to shocking and outrageous ex...
This hilarious mockumentary follows two small-town Ultimate Frisbee teams as they prepare for a high-stakes local champi...
Trashy movie warning! Crew members of a reality TV show become embroiled in a centuries-old web of revenge and horror wh...
A satire of true accounts as a TV reporter brings two of her friends along as she investigates a local Colorado legend i...
Franny Krueger, Miranda Myers, and J. Daughter are friends. They're about to find out why Jason, Miranda's brother, has ...
A romantic comedy about a young couple who find faith and each other as the world tries to keep them apart. Through chan...
In the summer of 2018, three comedic vloggers headed out into an Australian national park in search of a mysterious, big...
An inept film crew, intent on increasing their YouTube views, heads into a mysterious forest with the hopes of filming s...
A conflict?between?roommates involving a fridge?spirals out of control in this?mockumentary.
This eccentric mockumentary follows filmmaker Brian Fegan as he attempts to make a sequel to the hit film Superbad. Of c...
Directed by and starring Nigel Bach, this suspenseful thriller follows Tom Riley, who believes he’s scored the deal of a...
Two friends visit fire-ravaged Ojai, California, intent on making a fake documentary about the infamous Ojai Vampire. Ho...